


サプリメント商品名 成分 参考文献・研究論文など
Pollinosis ニゲラサティバ(Nigella Sativa) 2003 - Effect of Nigella sativa (black seed) on subjective feeling in patients with allergic diseases - PubMed
2013 - A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb - PMC
2019 - Clinical and experimental effects of Nigella sativa and its constituents on respiratory and allergic disorders - PMC
2020 - Virtual screening of phytoconstituents from miracle herb nigella sativa targeting nucleocapsid protein and papain-like protease of SARS-CoV-2 for COVID-19 treatment - PMC
2020 - Study suggests honey and Nigella sativa expedites viral clearance in COVID-19 patients
2020 - Deciphering underlying mechanism of Sars-CoV-2 infection in humans and revealing the therapeutic potential of bioactive constituents from Nigella sativa to combat COVID19: in-silico study - PMC
2021 - Nigella sativa for the treatment of COVID-19: An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial. - Abstract - Europe PMC
2021 - Nigella Sativa has potential use in future COVID-19 treatment
2021 - Revisiting pharmacological potentials of Nigella sativa seed: A promising option for COVID‐19 prevention and cure - PMC
2022 - The effect of Nigella sativa and vitamin D3 supplementation on the clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients: A randomized controlled clinical trial
2022 - Nigella sativa L. and COVID-19: A Glance at The Anti-COVID-19 Chemical Constituents, Clinical Trials, Inventions, and Patent Literature
2024 - Nigella sativa oil (NSO) as an adjuvant in the management of mild COVID-19 infection in Kaduna state: https://www.doi.org/10.60787/tnhj-712 | The Nigerian Health Journal
チモキノン - Wikipedia
ブラッククミンシードオイルの効能10選!効果40超えの万能薬! | 神様の食材
ブラッククミンは最強のスパイス!?使い方やおすすめの食べ方とは | サンタローサ公式オンラインストア
ニゲラサティバ (ブラッククミン) の効能と副作用・毒性について
「死以外は何でも癒せる」ブラックシードのすごさ | 世界の裏側ニュース
ケルセチン(Quercetin) 2006 - Role of quercetin (a natural herbal compound) in allergy and inflammation
2008 - Cell death and neuronal arborization upon quercetin treatment in rat neurons | Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
2010 - Quercetin: A Treatment for Hypertension?—A Review of Efficacy and Mechanisms
2011 - Quercetin Suppresses Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression and Angiogenesis through Inactivation of P300 Signaling | PLOS ONE
2014 - Quercetin Inhibits Intestinal Iron Absorption and Ferroportin Transporter Expression In Vivo and In Vitro | PLOS ONE
2015 - Quercetin in Cancer Treatment, Alone or in Combination with Conventional Therapeutics? | Bentham Science
2015 - The combination of resveratrol and quercetin enhances the individual effects of these molecules on triacylglycerol metabolism in white adipose tissue | European Journal of Nutrition
2016 - Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response
2016 - Quercetin, a Natural Flavonoid Interacts with DNA, Arrests Cell Cycle and Causes Tumor Regression by Activating Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis
2017 - New agents that target senescent cells: the flavone, fisetin, and the BCL-X L inhibitors, A1331852 and A1155463
2018 - Studying the Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin and Thymoquinone on Human Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Activities - PMC
2018 - Potential of the Flavonoid Quercetin to Prevent and Treat Cancer – Current Status of Research » Klinicka onkologie Journal » Linkos.cz
2020 - Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental, Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19)
2020 - Immune-Boosting, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Food Supplements Targeting Pathogenesis of COVID-19
2021 - Iron metabolism: an emerging therapeutic target underlying the anti-cancer effect of quercetin - PubMed
2021 - Quercetin Phytosome® as a potential candidate for managing COVID-19 - Minerva Gastroenterology 2021 June;67(2):190-5 - Minerva Medica - Journals
2021 - Quercetin for COVID-19 and DENGUE co-infection: a potential therapeutic strategy of targeting critical host signal pathways triggered by SARS-CoV-2 and DENV | Briefings in Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic
2021 - Virus-induced senescence is a driver and therapeutic target in COVID-19 | Nature
2021 - Therapeutic Potential of Quercetin to Alleviate Endothelial Dysfunction in Age-Related Cardiovascular Diseases
2021 - Virus-induced senescence is a driver and therapeutic target in COVID-19
2021 - Adjuvant quercetin supplementation for early stage COVID-19 | IJGM
2021 - Quercetin as a potential treatment for COVID-19-induced acute kidney injury: Based on network pharmacology and molecular docking study | PLOS ONE
2021 - Potential clinical benefits of quercetin in COVID-19 | IJGM
2021 - A role for quercetin in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2022 - Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | Quercetin in the Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus Infections: A Focus on SARS-CoV-2
2022 - The Therapeutic and Prophylactic Potential of Quercetin against COVID-19: An Outlook on the Clinical Studies, Inventive Compositions, and Patent Literature
2023 - APPLICATIONS OF QUERCETIN FOR THE PREVENTION OF COVID-19 IN HEALTHCARE WORKERS | Emergent: Journal of Educational Discoveries and Lifelong Learning (EJEDL)
2023 - The possible therapeutic role of curcumin and quercetin in the early-stage of COVID-19—Results from a pragmatic randomized clinical trial
2023 - Quercetin as a possible complementary agent for early-stage COVID-19: Concluding results of a randomized clinical trial
2023 - Recent Advances in Potential Health Benefits of Quercetin
2024 - Quercetin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection and prevents syncytium formation by cells co-expressing the viral spike protein and human ACE2 | Virology Journal | Full Text
ケルセチン | 成分情報 | わかさの秘密
ケルセチン効果 4つの効能と副作用 エビデンス - ガチサプリ
玉ねぎの皮茶の効能・副作用(高血圧、アレルギーに効果的) | 健康茶の教科書|効能とランキング、目的別の選び方を解説
玉ねぎの皮茶の副作用と血圧効果について!腎臓や血糖値、利尿作用はどうなの?一日の摂取量は? | クラの井戸端会議
玉ねぎ皮茶の作り方と味は?高血圧予防と副作用の関係とは? | お茶の効能効果.jp
ケルセチンのリスクと注意点【花粉症・アレルギー対策】 - ビタミンアカデミー
エキナセア(Echinacea) 2019 - Fructans as Immunomodulatory and Antiviral Agents: The Case of Echinacea
2020 - In vitro virucidal activity of Echinaforce®, an Echinacea purpurea preparation, against coronaviruses, including common cold coronavirus 229E and SARS-CoV-2 | Virology Journal | Full Text
2020 - The effects of combination of Zingiber officinale and Echinacea on alleviation of clinical symptoms and hospitalization rate of suspected COVID-19 outpatients: a randomized controlled trial
2021 - Echinacea purpurea water extracts suppress the release of chemical mediators from mast cells | Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry | Oxford Academic
2022 - Echinacea Purpurea For the Long-Term Prevention of Viral Respiratory Tract Infections During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Randomized, Open, Controlled, Exploratory Clinical Study
2022 - Echinacea as a Potential Force against Coronavirus Infections? A Mini-Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in Adults and Children
2022 - Broad Antiviral Effects of Echinacea purpurea against SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern and Potential Mechanism of Action
2022 - Antiviral activity of medicinal plant-derived products against SARS-CoV-2 - PubMed
2023 - Echinacea purpurea Fractions Represent Promising Plant-Based Anti-Inflammatory Formulations
ムラサキバレンギク属 - Wikipedia
エキナセア | 成分情報 | わかさの秘密
免疫力アップに効果的!エキナセアで抗ウィルス予防【コロナ対策】 | manatural
エキナセアの効能 効果と注意点 | 栄養BOX
ヘスペリジン(Hesperetin) 2019 - Benefits of hesperidin in central nervous system disorders: a review - PMC
2019 - Hesperidin as a Neuroprotective Agent: A Review of Animal and Clinical Evidence
2021 - Hesperidin Is a Potential Inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2 Infection
2022 - Hesperetin as an anti-SARS-CoV-2 agent can inhibit COVID-19-associated cancer progression by suppressing intracellular signaling pathways | Inflammopharmacology
2023 - Hesperidin: Advances on Resources, Biosynthesis Pathway, Bioavailability, Bioactivity, and Pharmacology | SpringerLink
ヘスペリジン | 成分情報 | わかさの秘密
ヘスペリジンの驚くべき効能と効果【ビタミンPと呼ばれるポリフェノール】 | サプリコンシェル
ヘスペリジンとは?血行を良くして温活効果が期待できる!効能を徹底調査 | カタリスト琉球
サプリメント商品名 成分 参考文献・研究論文など
Capillos ノコギリヤシ(saw palmetto) 2017 - A preliminary study on topical cetirizine in the therapeutic management of androgenetic alopecia: Journal of Dermatological Treatment: Vol 29 , No 2 - Get Access 2018 - Journal of Cellular Physiology | Cell Biology Journal | Wiley Online Library
2018 - Serenoa repens extracts promote hair regeneration and repair of hair loss mouse models by activating TGF-β and mitochondrial signaling pathway
2020 - Natural Hair Supplement: Friend or Foe? Saw Palmetto, a Systematic Review in Alopecia | Skin Appendage Disorders | Karger Publishers
2023 - Oral and Topical Administration of a Standardized Saw Palmetto Oil Reduces Hair Fall and Improves the Hair Growth in Androgenetic Alopecia Subjects - A 16-Week Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study - PubMed
サポニン(Saponin) 2021 - Ginsenoside Rg4 Enhances the Inductive Effects of Human Dermal Papilla Spheres on Hair Growth Via the AKT/GSK-3β/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway
2024 - Ginsenosides in Panax ginseng Extract Promote Anagen Transition by Suppressing BMP4 Expression and Promote Human Hair Growth by Stimulating Follicle-Cell Proliferation
サポニン - Wikipedia
サポニン | 成分情報 | わかさの秘密
老化防止に効くサポニンの毒性と副作用とは? | コンプレックス★バスターズ
マカ(Maca) マカ | 成分情報 | わかさの秘密
マカにはどんな効果がある?飲むべき時間や摂取量・副作用について、医師が解説します。 | CLINIC FOR (クリニックフォア) 内科・アレルギー科・皮膚科
マカの効果は?摂取量・摂取方法・よくある質問も解説! | メディカルマガジン
マカパウダーの効果や効能まとめ!どんな使い方が出来る? | くつろぎ
マカの効能と副作用。妊活・更年期…女性にうれしい効果とは -Food for Well-being -かわしま屋のWebメディア-
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Maca Root: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions
What Maca Root Can Do For Your Health Explained
10 health benefits of maca root
7 Benefits Of Maca Root, According To Experts – Forbes Health
What Is Maca Root? Health Benefits, Risks, More | Everyday Health
MACA: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews
Maca for Hair Growth: Benefits and How to Use – Noophoric
Maca For Stronger Healthier Hair - The Maca Team, LLC
Why Maca Is Key For Hair Growth During Menopause | Nutrafol
Maca Benefits for Hair Health – Vitamins and Supplements Online Canada - Shop With Free Shipping